Betsy Bohan

Prayer Battle Boards
My Prayer Battle Board Placard for the Top
This is for the top of your board, or wherever you want to place it on your board. The Prayer Battle Board is for your prayers and requests. The Bible verse 2 Corinthians 10:3-4 is a reminder that although we live in this world, our weapons are are of God. 5" x 7"

The Lord's Prayer
Before we even begin to pray, we need to make sure our hearts are right before God, we have confessed any sin, and understand God is not a divine butler to order around. He is the omnipotent God of all creation, omniscient, and omnipresent. And for those born again into His family (see John 3) He is their Heavenly Father. This is the way Jesus told His disciples to pray. You can pray it as it is, or use it as a pattern of prayer.
5" x 7"

Important Prayer Reminders
Remember, God is able to do miracles in answers to prayer, but answers also depend upon the motives of our hearts. It's important to understand if we don't get the answers we are hoping and praying for, we still need to trust our Heavenly Father. He knows all things. There can be reasons why that we may not yet know or understand.
7" x 5"

Psalm 23, The Good Shepherd
This psalm is one of the favorites and best known in the Bible. Written by David who was a shepherd prior to being anointed King of Israel, it is a beautiful depiction of Jesus, Savior, Messiah, King, and faithful Shepherd. Psalm 23 is filled with meaning and should bring comfort, hope, and strength to any who meditate on it in faith. 5" x 7"

Prayer - multiple hearts page
This page with multiple hearts is for any prayer requests. Perhaps for someone who is sick, or a special request, or whatever you chose. Maybe you want to put the names of family members or friends inside these hearts.The choice is yours. Make as many copies as you need! There are six hearts per 8.5" X 11" page.

Use your own creativity to add to your Prayer Battle Boards. Enjoy the process and let's pray!
May God be praised by every tongue, tribe, and nation. May our prayers ascend to heaven and God's throne for He is waiting. And Jesus is there to intercede at His right hand. Romans 8:34

God is Love, the heart of all hearts.
This heart is to remind you of the great love the Father has for us in sending Jesus to die for us, pay the penalty for our sins, and adopt us into His family as His children. Inside this heart is a good place to write the names of those you pray for on a regular basis to know and follow Jesus. 8.5" x 11".

Prayer placards for different types of prayers
These placards are to help organize your various prayer types into sections on your Prayer Battle Board. For example, on one of the side sections of a trifold presentation board you might want a section for missionaries, ministries, and churches. Sections could include financial needs, work, education, political, upcoming events, travel, or what have you. There are four per 8.5" x 11" page.

Watch for more to come on my website.
God is good! Please subscribe to my email list and send me a message on my contact form with how this has helped you. May God bless you in your journey home to heaven!